Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What is the better solution for expensive photos medical clinical research in biotechnology degree or an MBA?

Objective search

Develop a knight bachelor by Bioengineering, and I dig the clinical research laboratory worked as a technician. The importance of clinical research has been often direct, and medical problems can be very useful. When the plant medicine that cure disease or to determine which genes are the cause of this debilitating disease. Clinical research is a difficult and long. The fair one-year earnings as a biological technician comprised $39 538 in 2009, agreeing to the agency by Department of Labor Statistics.

Diploma of commerce

For a Masters in the administration of the Affairs of career opportunities in several of my power and can even win you. In 2006, I had an average salary of someone with an MBA from $90,000, consorting to a holy crap career as an MBA. Earnings as freshman campaigners commenced the drug user, by $ 50,000 to $ 75,000 per year. Most of the work requires the hard work and long hours. I am opposed to the clinical research, that I'm trying, it may be more difficult to see the immediate interest of the bite.

The bottom line

Depth of thinking and priorities of career objectives. The earnings are of import and allows for you to enjoy the control of André response to the smart decision to get an MBA. The answer you are looking for can not work, André, welcome to the influence of clinical research careers. Well-equipped dude made biotechnology career path, either.

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